மாணவர்களுக்கு Yoga Olympiad தெரிவுப் போட்டிகள் (2024-2025) - Director Proceedings - Kalviseithi Official - No:1 Education Website in Tamil Nadu


Thursday, June 6, 2024

மாணவர்களுக்கு Yoga Olympiad தெரிவுப் போட்டிகள் (2024-2025) - Director Proceedings

Director of School Education orders to hold Yoga Olympiad Selection Competitions for 2024-2025! - 2024-2025ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான யோகா ஒலிம்பியாட் தெரிவுப் போட்டிகள் நடத்த பள்ளிக் கல்வி இயக்குநர் உத்தரவு!

2024-2025 ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான அனைத்து அரசு மற்றும் அரசு உதவி பெறும் பள்ளி மாணவ , மாணவியர்களுக்கு தேசிய அளவிலான யோகா ஒலிம்பியாட் போட்டிகள் 18.06.2024 முதல் 20.06.2024 வரை Regional Institute of Education ( RIE ) , Manasagangothri , Mysuru , Karnataka- வில் நடைபெற உள்ளது.

பள்ளி அளவில் சிறந்த மாணவ , மாணவியர்களை தேர்வு செய்து இதன் தொடர் நிகழ்வாக கீழ்கண்ட அட்டவணைகளில் தெரிவுப்போட்டிகளை உள்ளவாறு நடத்திட தெரிவிக்கப்படுகிறது.

2024-2025ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான யோகா ஒலிம்பியாட் தெரிவுப் போட்டிகள் நடத்த பள்ளிக் கல்வி இயக்குநர் உத்தரவு! NATIONAL YOGA OLYMPIAD (SCHEME AND GENERAL GUIDELINES)

1. Introduction

“For beginner in Yoga, the path is work; for one advance in Yoga the path is stillness of mind”

Bhagavad Gita (6:3)

The aim of all education, undoubtedly, is the attainment of human excellence and perfection, not just in any field of knowledge or activity, but life in totality. This means nurturing of holistic development of personality in a way that is congenial to the growth and development of oneself and others around him/her. In practical life, this has to be translated as qualities of truthfulness, righteous living, purity in personal life, self-confidence, integration of body, mind and intellect, love and compassion towards all living beings. Practicing Yoga in the true sense will support this. The National Education Policy 2020 has focused on Yoga as an important contribution to our rich heritage. The word 'Yoga' is derived from Sanskrit root yuj which means 'join' or 'unite'. This may be taken as the union of body, mind and soul, and is used in the literature both as an end as well as means. As an end, Yoga signifies 'integration of personality' at the highest level as a means it signifies Yogic practices as well as school of Yoga such as Jnane Yoga , Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raj Yoga and Hath Yoga etc.

The importance of Dharma, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga is explained in Bhagavad Gita. It says, “Samatvam Yoga uchyate”, which means Yoga is a balanced state which strives for oneness between human and nature. Over the centuries, the journey of Yoga witnessed many changes for the spread of its culture from Asia to America inspite of numerous different customs and traditions in India. It works solely on imbibing the values of compassion, patience and tolerance within oneself. In 21st century, Yoga has become the “Eyes of the world and Science of Mind.” The ancient discipline is rightfully given the recognition and importance as it deserves, it makes its way to enlighten billions of people with emotions like love, peace and universal integration. Our ancestors appreciated the importance of mental hygiene and emphasized on regular practice of Yoga which cleanses the body of its toxics and uplifts the soul for union with supreme soul. Yoga is not only a process for leading towards astounding hidden personality of human being by bringing mastery over the body, mind, intellect and emotional faculties, but also a powerful tool to manifest those hidden potential powers in self. Yoga is an art of living, it improves quality of life, a healthy life with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well- being and leads to overall holistic development of body and mind. Swami Vivekananda once said “Yoga has a complete message for humanity, Yoga is a culture of the future, as it was in the past and in the present.” Intensive intersect oral coordination and collaboration is indispensable for revival of Yoga in the right spirit and the way that was expressed by our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji "It is our responsibility to ensure that the right spirit of Yoga is conveyed to everyone." It is needed that we collaborate and work together so that concerns, views, ideas and experiences are exchanged. Ministry of Education (MoE) through National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has taken a multi-dimensional initiative to promote Yoga in Curriculum and Transactions in Schools. The National Education Policy 2020 highlights that Yoga is part of our cultural heritage. Practicing and promoting Yoga will help in instilling among the learners a deep-rooted pride in being Indian not only in thought but also in spirit and intellect and deeds & be committed to Promoting Health and Wellness for self and others. The theme for 10th International Yoga Day 2024 is "Yoga for Women Empowerment.”

The National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage - 2022 and National Curriculum Framework for School Education -2023 mentions that the child is a whole being with Panchakoshas or five sheaths. The layers are Annamaya kosha (Physical Layer), Prana-maya Kosha (Life Force Energy Layer), Manomaya Kosha (Mind Layer), Vijnana-maya Kosha (Intellectual Layer) and Anandamaya Kosha (Inner Self). Each layer exhibits certain distinct characteristics. The holistic development of a child takes into account the nurturing and nourishment of these five layers. It is envisioned that through the Yoga Asanas the Panchakoshas will be achieve for overall development of children. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD DSE - Yoga Olympiad Proceedings - PDF

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கல்விச்செய்தி நண்பர்களே.. வாசகர்களின் கருத்து சுதந்திரத்தை வரவேற்கும் இந்தப்பகுதியை ஆரோக்கியமாக பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ள அன்புடன் வேண்டுகிறோம்.