உயர் கல்வியில் சேராத மாணவர்களை கல்லூரியில் சேர்க்கும் "உயர்வுக்குப் படி 2024" திட்டம் - மாவட்ட ஆட்சியர் உள்ளிட்ட அலுவலர்களின் கடமைகளும் பொறுப்புகளும் - Kalviseithi Official - No:1 Education Website in Tamil Nadu


Sunday, September 1, 2024

உயர் கல்வியில் சேராத மாணவர்களை கல்லூரியில் சேர்க்கும் "உயர்வுக்குப் படி 2024" திட்டம் - மாவட்ட ஆட்சியர் உள்ளிட்ட அலுவலர்களின் கடமைகளும் பொறுப்புகளும்

உயர் கல்வியில் சேராத மாணவர்களை கல்லூரியில் சேர்க்கும் "உயர்வுக்குப் படி 2024" திட்டம் - மாவட்ட ஆட்சியர் உள்ளிட்ட அலுவலர்களின் கடமைகளும் பொறுப்புகளும்

கடந்த இரண்டு ஆண்டுகளில் உயர் கல்வியில் சேராத மாணவர்களை கல்லூரியில் சேர்க்கும் "உயர்வுக்குப் படி 2024" திட்டம் - மாவட்ட ஆட்சியர் உள்ளிட்ட அலுவலர்களின் கடமைகளும் பொறுப்புகளும் குறித்து தலைமைச் செயலாளரின் கடிதம்!!!

Sub: Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation - Naan Mudhalvan organising Uyarvukku Padi event 2024 - Regarding


*** Naan Mudhalvan Uyarvukku Padi is proposed to be organized for class 12 students who have failed, been absent, or passed and have not applied for higher education. In the Academic year 2022-23, out of 3,97,809 class 12 students, 2,39,270 students have enrolled in Higher Education. 45,440 students have applied for Higher Education, while 1,13,099 students have either not applied or not provided sufficient details of enrolment.

In the academic year 2023-2024, out of 3,31,540 class 12 students, 1,97,510 students have applied for Higher Education, while 1,34,030 students have either not applied or not provided sufficient details of application. To ensure the enrolment of these 2,47,129 students from 2023 and 2024, the Naan Mudhalvan Uyarvukku Padi program will be organized at the divisional level in all 94 divisions across all districts of our State.

This program aims to provide guidance, support, and resources to these students, enabling them to make informed decisions about their future educational pursuits. The District Collector is called upon to anchor the program and arrange for convergence of various Departments to facilitate the 100% enrolment of students in colleges or if reasons so warrant then for short-term skilling programs as a last resort. The reasons for students not choosing to pursue a college education may be manifold some of which may be 1. Lack of information about higher education

2. Married / Planning to get married

3. Going for work / Planning to go to work

4. Parents not willing/ terminally ill parents

5. Students with Special Needs

6. Health Issues

7. Distance Constraint

8. Fear of going to College

9. No parents / No guardian

10. Not able to afford college fee Phone: 044-25671555

Fax: 044-25672304

e-mail: cs@tn.gov.in

11. Not having the required documents 12. Did not get the preferred course - For all of the above reasons, options may be offered to students by way of showcasing various opportunities available to tide over the circumstances that are barriers in the way to education Bank loans, Learn, Earn & Grow (LEG) courses, Admission in Polytechnics/ITIs, Scholarships, Pudhumai Penn and Tamizh Pudhalvan, Family counselling, Hostel admissions, Certificate camps and handholding by NGOs. The target nevertheless shall be 100% enrolment of the left-out students in meaningful education/skill programs.

Roles & Responsibilities for Officials:

The District Collector is responsible for the overall conduct of the program - planning, management and execution in all the divisions of the district.

The District Collector should convene a meeting with all the department heads for the successful implementation of the Naan Mudhalvan Uyarvukku Padi 2024 event. 1. District Collector:

Oversee the planning and execution of the program.

Nominate a nodal officer-Sub Collector or District Revenue Officer-to ensure the successful implementation of the "Naan Mudhalvan Uyarvukku Padi 2024" event in the district.

• Engage revenue officials, VHNS, Panchayat Secretaries, Anganwadi staff, and HMs for student mobilisation and ensure that all students on the list are made to participate in the camp. Ensure the mobilisation of all targeted dropout students to the designated venue. In areas where accessibility is challenging, arrange suitable logistics to facilitate this mobilisation

• Camps for issuing necessary certificates are to be organised. Taluk office staff, VAOS, and RIs should be available to issue community, income, and residence certificates in the camp itself

Instruct newly recruited Civil Servants to mentor students on the importance of pursuing competitive exams during the event. Focus on data from the past three years concerning:

School dropout students,

College dropout students,

Students who passed but did not enrol in college.

• Identify unfilled vacancies, branch-wise, in Engineering, Arts & Science, Polytechnic, and ITI institutions within the district.

• Ensure 100% enrolment of the targeted dropout students from the last three years. In the first phase, all targeted students should participate. In the second phase, those who were absent or missed out in the first phase should participate. In the third phase, those who were absent or missed out in the first two phases should participate. After the Naan Mudhalvan Uyarvukku Padi 2024 event, identify students who were not admitted to educational institutions and ensure their mobilisation into short-term training programs, Finishing School, and the Earn While You Learn Program conducted by the Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation.

The District Collectors should identify the most vulnerable blocks/ poor performance blocks where the students' fail percentage/ dropouts / absentees are high and socio-economic analysis, gender-wise and category- wise should be done to identify the reasons. A committee should be constituted with officials from the Revenue Department, School Education Department, Panchayat Presidents and to monitor those blocks and take necessary interventions to ensure all the students who have dropped out of education attend the camp and can pursue some higher education or career opportunity.

• Update the attendance and Higher Education Enrolment of the camp beneficiaries on the EMIS dashboard.

Provide extra attention to students with special needs by offering free BC/MBC or SC/ST hostel facilities within the same district Support students who fall under categories such as no parents, single parents, or homeless by providing hostel facilities and livelihood support to help them enroll and continue their higher education.

• Additionally, assist students who are unable to enroll in higher education. due to various socio-economic conditions by connecting their parents/guardians with appropriate welfare schemes

Ensure that students from tribal communities are able to obtain community certificates in order to enroll in higher education.

Ensure that all SC and ST students are enrolled in higher education and provided with their due scholarship and free accommodation.

Intervene with colleges if there are hassles in the admission process of these students.

Invite all Government and Government Aided Colleges to the camp.

2. Sub Collector / Revenue Divisional Officer:

Oversee the planning and execution of the program.

Identify a suitable venue and make arrangements to conduct the program. Ensure the interventions planned, reach the individual students. Maintain a register of students and monitor them till they get admitted to a HEI (Higher Educational Institution)

Taluk office staff / VAOS / RIs, Rural Development department staff CSTS/PLFs should be available to mobilise students for the camp and also to sort out the issue of community/income/residence certificates. 3. Chief Educational Officer:

Mobilize students who have not applied for higher education so far and bring them to the camp. Ensure 100% attendance of these students.

Identify the reason for non-applying and share with the collectors for further actions Mobilize school teachers as volunteers for the program.

Coordinate with ITI Principals, Polytechnic Principals and Principals of Engineering and Arts colleges to enrol students. Update the attendance and enrolment status of children in EMIS

4. District Employment Officer:

Coordinate the overall event arrangements.

• Arrange stalls and necessary infrastructure.

Coordinating with the Speakers for the event.

Coordinate with various departments to ensure smooth conduct. Arrange for career counselling.

5. College Principals (Arts and Science, Engineering, ITI & Polytechnic):

Set up stalls for spot admissions and facilitate the eligible scholarships for the students Provide information about various courses and vacant seats.

• Arrange successful past students to talk to the students to inspire them to study. 6. DSTOS / Program Managers:

Short-term skill options, and LEG programs to be publicised.

Enrol students in skill programs after counselling.

Coordinate to enrol students in Earn while you Learn programs.

Supply of brochures on 'Kalloori Kanavu' and annexures on local institutions available.

7. Social Welfare / Child Welfare Officer To address the schemes available for girl children To address the social security issues.

To arrange for counselling of parent / student higher education options To facilitate scholarships and schemes available for students with no parents and single parents.

The list of all students supposed to attend the camp which is made available in the district collectors log-in to be collected and the field staff to be engaged in mobilising these students for the camp and enroll in further courses.

To address the barriers that are preventing enrolment in higher education, such as planning to get married, family issues, and parents not allowing to pursue education, etc. 8. Assistant Commissioner (LABOUR):

To Identify children involved in Child Labour who can pursue higher education and to bring them to the camp district-wise. To address the barriers that are preventing enrolment in higher education, such as forcing students to go for work due to economic crises in families. and ensure welfare schemes for those families.

9. District Backward Class Welfare Officer / District Adi Dravidar Welfare Officer:

To enroll students for free hostel and scholarship provided by the State and Central Government schemes for SC, ST & OBC students in the Camp Stall.

10. Lead District Manager:

Provide information on education loans, including required documents, maximum claim amount, and interest rates. Facilitate setting up of stalls of all banks offering Education loans.

11. Revenue / Rural Development Department:

To mobilize the students who have yet to enroll in higher education for the camp

12. TNeGA:

To set up certificate issue stalls in the campsite to facilitate the immediate issue of requisite certificates 13. NGOs:

Act as mentors or volunteers to support attending students.

Assist students in identifying preferred courses and guide them through the admission process.

Follow up on financial assistance required

To set up individual counselling centers to help students choose their preferred courses.

The above interventions from various departments will be delivered through stalls, pamphlets, video awareness & individual counselling.

The District Collector's role is crucial in bringing about synergy among the various Government Departments and working towards the goal of making the district dropout-free and achieving 100% enrolment of all students into higher education contributing to the mission of making every child aspire for a better future.

Data templates shared by Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation should be filled duly on time to ensure seamless sharing of information. The Collectors are called upon to use innovative methods to achieve the goal and document all the activities under the program for onward transmission to the TNSDC.

Schedule of Naan Mudhalvan Uyarvukku Padi event 2024

👇👇👇👇👇 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Chief Secretary D.O Lr 28.08.2024-1 - PDF

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கல்விச்செய்தி நண்பர்களே.. வாசகர்களின் கருத்து சுதந்திரத்தை வரவேற்கும் இந்தப்பகுதியை ஆரோக்கியமாக பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ள அன்புடன் வேண்டுகிறோம்.