Director of School Education issues instructions to conduct State Level Achievement Test (SLAS 2025)! - மாநில அளவிலான அடைவுச் சோதனை (SLAS 2025) நடத்துவதற்கான அறிவுரைகள் வழங்கி பள்ளிக் கல்வி இயக்குநர் உத்தரவு!
Rc.No. 085932/F/S2/ 2024, dated 20.01.2025
Sub: School Education- Instruction to Districts for the Conduct of State Level Achievement Survey (SLAS),2025 - Regarding
Ref: Meeting of the SLAS, planning discussion meeting held under the chairmanship of Secretary to Government, School Education Department, Secretariat, Chennai -09 on 12.12.2024.
The School Education department Directors' discussion meeting, chaired by the Secretary of the School Education Department, was held on December 12, 2024. During the meeting, it was decided to conduct the State Learning Achievement Survey (SLAS) for classes 3, 5, and 8 in Government and Government-Aided schools on February 4, 5, and 6, 2025. The survey will cover 45,924 Government and Government-Aided schools and involve 10.50 lakh students.
It is planned to conduct the survey to identify the learning gaps in various disciplines and plan academic interventions to empower teachers with modified teaching learning strategies based on the results of the SLAS, 2025 and to assess the learning concepts at higher cognitive levels and the support of school system and monitoring mechanism through SLAS.
In specific, it has been planned to conduct the OMR based SLAS for 15.78 lakh students studying the Grades 3,5 and 8 only in Tamil and English mediums in all the Government and Government Aided Schools (Fully Aided and Partially Aided). It has been informed that 35 Questions will be asked for Grade 3 (10 questions each from Tamil, English and Mathematics and 5 questions from EVS), 45 questions for Grade 5 (10 questions each from Tamil, English and Mathematics and 15 questions from Science and Social Science and 50 question for Grade 8 (10) question each from Tamil, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science).
It has also been informed that the questions will be developed based on the previous Grade and the I term of the current Grade. With regard to languages, grade appropriate comprehension passages which assess the reading and comprehension skill of students will be asked. The questions will be developed in multiple choice with single correct answer based on Learning Outcomes which should be answered by students based on their learning but not on rote memorisation. In this context, it is to inform you that the Assessment Tools and OMR sheets will be printed at State level and sent to CEOS. The survey in schools will be conducted by field Investigators to be drawn among final year students studying in UG and PG classes in Arts and Science Colleges and 3rd or 4th year students of Engineering colleges.
It has been decided that a total of 38670 Fls will be required to conduct the survey in three days one day for each Grade in the first week of Februrary, 2025. The Commissioner of Directorate of Technical Education, Guindy, Chennai and the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Saidapet, Chennai have been requested to send orders to their subordinate offices to extend support to CEOS in the identification of the Fls.
Hence, CEOs of all districts are hereby instructed to identify the Fls as per the number required for each district by contacting the RJDS and Principals of the Engineering Colleges. The District Level Master Trainers Training was organised by SCERT at Chennai on 03.01.2025 and they, in turn, need to train the additional Master Trainers required for each district to train all the FI before fourth week of January 2025, based on the convenient of the Districts. The Fl Training will be organised by the Principals of the DIET's.
SLAS Instructions:
In this milieu, it was decided that the Chief Educational Officers and DIET Principals will serve as the Heads of the District Level Coordination (DLC) team and will oversee the responsibilities of the Resource Custody Center (RCC). In this regard, the Chief Educational Officers and DIET Principals of the Districts concerned are requested to adhere to the following instructions and ensure the successful implementation of the State Learning Achievement Survey in your respective districts. Objectives of SLAS 2025:
Aims at evaluating and analyzing competencies of students' of o Class 3
o Class 5 and
o Class 8
Gives a system level reflection on Students' Learning Outcomes at a grade-level competency.
Provides comparable datasets to monitor student performance across districts and regions.
Identifies gaps in student learning and inform targeted interventions to achieve state's educational goals.
Builds capacity for implementing evidence-based reforms in curriculum, pedagogy and teacher training. Assessment Design of SLAS-2025:
Roles and Responsibilities of Chief Educational Officers:
A. Formation of District and Block level Committee and Fls identification and Training DEO
At District level, a committee to be formed headed by CEO and DIET Principal along with Elementary and Secondary, APO, DIET Faculties, DCs, District Programmer, Technical staff from DIET and other required staff.
Coordinate with the Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE) to receive all test materials (test booklets and OMR sheets) for the district and ensure their secure storage in the Resource Custody Center (RCC).
• Form the District Resource Team (comprising DIET faculty, DC, BRTES and Programmer) and organize training sessions for the District Resource Persons.
• Similarly at Block level, a committee to be formed involving BEOS, Supervisor, BRTES and •
other required staff working in the Block based on the number of schools.
Complete the identification of Field Investigators (FIS) as per the requirements and map them to the respective schools.
Conduct training for the Field Investigators at the block level.
B. Question paper & OMR sheet Distribution and collection The transportation of question papers must be planned meticulously, following a process similar to SEAS and arrange proper logistics for the dissemination of question papers and OMR sheets at District and Block level for the smooth functioning of SLAS.
• Distribute test materials to the Field Investigators on the day of assessment and oversee the implementation of SLAS in schools through the District Resource Team.
Ensure the return of all the test materials to the block centers on the same day of the assessment and very specific, after the completion of the Assessment, three separate covers shall be used for collection of Materials after Assessment in every school:
a. One for unused OMR sheets and question papers.
b. One for used question papers.
c. One for used OMR sheets. Later OMR sheets will be collected in stages: first at the block level, then district level, and finally at the zonal center.
Complete the packing of materials as per the instructions and transport them from the block centers to the RCC the day after the assessment.
Pack the used OMR sheets according to the guidelines and safely transport them to the designated regional centers (Chennai, Erode, Madurai and Trichy) for scanning.
The following are the districts selected as nodal zones to collect OMR for scanning process:
The above mentioned zonal District CEOS will identify Identify Zonal Centers in the district headquarters for OMR collection and intimate the same to the zonal Districts. Each District will transfer the test materials from the RCC to the Zonal Centers immediately after collecting the OMRS from Block.
During the scanning of OMR sheets of the concerned District, a team consisting of DIET Faculty, District Coordinator, District Programmer, Technical personal from the DIET, 2 BRTES and Office Assistants will help the Scanning Team.
Scanning of OMR sheets for each District will be maximum of 2 to 3 days depending upon the number of schools. Hence, the above mentioned team should be there in the Zonal centres during the days of scanning process of their district and ensure each and every OMR sheet is scanned without any errors.
The CEOS and DIET Principals of the District concern will make the necessary arrangements including food and stay for the District team during these days.
Once the OMR sheets are scanned, they will be returned to the respective districts from the regional centers. Safeguard them in the RCCS along with other test materials until further instructions from the department in this regard.
Student Sampling through EMIS
Student sampling will be conducted through EMIS and uploaded to the respective school EMIS login. Ensure all Fls are trained in understanding the sampling logic and download the sampling details from the school login.
Sampling Logic:
Students from Classes 3, 5, and 8 (Government and Government-Aided Schools) will be considered, excluding Self-financed students.
For Classes 3 and 5, 20 students will be selected from each class. If the enrollment is 20 and below 20 all the students will be eligible for the exam.
For Class 8, 30 students will be selected. If the enrollment is 30 and below 30, all the students will be eligible for the exam.
Proportional representation will be ensured in schools for multiple mediums (Tamil and English).
Students will be selected from each section based on alphabetical order, ensuring a minimum of one student from each section.
A gender balance of 50:50 will be maintained wherever possible for equal gender representation. Fuzzy logic randomization will be employed, as it provides the highest level of randomness compared to other methods.
Attendance and provisions for absentee replacements will be accessible in the school login by 8 PM on the day prior to the exam.
Fls can download the student list from the
• School login -> Student -> Student List -> SLAS 2025
The below mentioned table will appear Select the students from the common pool, click on "Replace Absentees," and then click the "Save" button.
• The test booklet number for each student is listed in the same table. Please ensure that the booklets are distributed in the specified order.
Hence, in this regard, the Chief Educational Officers of the districts concerned are informed to depute the officials concerned as instructed above at District and Block level for the smooth conduct of State Level Achievement Survey (SLAS), 2025 and report the stage wise work to SPO regularly. The details regarding the allotted budget and the guidelines for utilization of funds will be sent through SCERT.
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