அரசு ஊழியர் சங்க பிரதிநிதிகளுடன் குறிப்பிட்ட கால இடைவெளியில் பேச்சுவார்த்தை நடத்தி பிரச்சனைகளுக்கு தீர்வு காண அனைத்துத் துறைச் செயலாளர்களுக்கு தலைமைச் செயலாளர் உத்தரவு
கொள்கை முடிவுகளான விதிகளை தளர்த்துதல், ஊதியங்களை திருத்தி அமைத்தல், பணியிடம் அனுமதித்தல் உள்ளிட்ட கோரிக்கைகளை விவாதிக்க கூடாது எனவும் உத்தரவு!!! Ref: 1. G.O.(Ms)No.109, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (K) Department, dated 25.06.2001.
2. Government Letter No.42868/K/2015-1, Personnel and Administrative Reforms
Reforms (K) Department, dated 23.06.2016.
I am to invite your attention to the Government Order and Government Letter in the references cited.
2. In the reference 1st cited, necessary instructions/guidelines were issued that the Secretaries to Government and Heads of Department should conduct periodical meetings with the representatives. of Government employees under their administrative control to redress their grievances and also to find solutions to their problems. The said instructions have been reiterated in the reference 2nd cited.
3. Now, all the Secretaries to Government and the Heads of Department are requested to follow the following guidelines issued in G.O.(Ms)No. 109, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (K) Department, dated 25.06.2001 for conducting the meeting with the representatives of Government employees under their administrative control The periodicity of the meetings should be three months in the case of Heads of Departments and six months in the case of Secretaries to Government;
Representatives of Government employees to be invited for the meetings should be only from the Associations recognised by the Government of Tamil Nadu;
Subjects to be discussed at the meetings to be conducted by the Heads of Departments should pertain to only the welfare measures taken at the level of Heads of Departments. In the same manner, subjects to be discussed at the meetings to be conducted by the Secretaries to Government should relate to welfare of Government employees that could be redressed by the concerned Secretaries to Government;
Issues and grievances purely of local importance should alone be placed before the Heads of Departments as well as Secretaries to Government; Policy matters such as, relaxation of rules, revision of scales of pay, sanctioning of posts, etc., need not be placed before the meetings to be conducted by the Heads of Departments, as well as Secretaries to Government, as those matters have to be placed before a different forum; Subjects to be discussed in the meetings should be sent at least 15 days earlier to the date scheduled for the meetings;
Heads of Departments and Secretaries to Government should ensure that representatives from recognised Service Associations, not exceeding two members from each Association participate in the meetings;
(viii) Representatives who attend the meetings are, entitled for Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance and their absence shall be treated as duty; Matters that have to be placed before the Tamil Nadu Government Civil Services Joint Council and Joint Civil Services District Council need not be taken up in the meetings to be conducted by the Secretaries to Government and Heads of Departments;
Secretaries to Government should conduct the meetings in the second week of every Half Year, i.e., second week of January and July and Heads of Departments should conduct the meetings in the second week of January, April, July and October of every year;
Heads of Departments should send the minutes of the meetings to the Secretaries to Government of the administrative departments concerned with a copy marked to the Human Resources Management Department;
-3- (xii) Secretaries to Government should review the reports of the Heads of Departments and submit the draft review to the Chief Secretary to Government;
(xiii) Secretaries concerned should submit the copy of the minutes of the meeting conducted by them to the Chief Secretary to Government, with a copy marked to the Human Resources Management Department;
(xiv) - The Human Resources Management (Inspection) Department should watch the functioning of the quarterly meetings conducted by the Heads of Departments at the time of Inspection of the Offices of the Heads of Departments. A provision to this effect may also be made in the format prescribed by the Inspection Wing in the Inspection Questionnaire. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Periodical Meetings by Secretaries - PDF
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கல்விச்செய்தி நண்பர்களே.. வாசகர்களின் கருத்து சுதந்திரத்தை வரவேற்கும் இந்தப்பகுதியை ஆரோக்கியமாக பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ள அன்புடன் வேண்டுகிறோம்.