NATIONAL YOGA OLYMPIAD (SCHEME AND GENERAL GUIDELINES) - PDF - Kalviseithi Official - No:1 Education Website in Tamil Nadu


Thursday, June 6, 2024




1. Introduction

“For beginner in Yoga, the path is work; for one advance in Yoga the path is stillness of mind”

Bhagavad Gita (6:3)

The aim of all education, undoubtedly, is the attainment of human excellence and perfection, not just in any field of knowledge or activity, but life in totality. This means nurturing of holistic development of personality in a way that is congenial to the growth and development of oneself and others around him/her. In practical life, this has to be translated as qualities of truthfulness, righteous living, purity in personal life, self-confidence, integration of body, mind and intellect, love and compassion towards all living beings. Practicing Yoga in the true sense will support this. The National Education Policy 2020 has focused on Yoga as an important contribution to our rich heritage.

The word 'Yoga' is derived from Sanskrit root yuj which means 'join' or 'unite'. This may be taken as the union of body, mind and soul, and is used in the literature both as an end as well as means. As an end, Yoga signifies 'integration of personality' at the highest level as a means it signifies Yogic practices as well as school of Yoga such as Jnane Yoga , Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raj Yoga and Hath Yoga etc. The importance of Dharma, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga is explained in Bhagavad Gita. It says, “Samatvam Yoga uchyate”, which means Yoga is a balanced state which strives for oneness between human and nature. Over the centuries, the journey of Yoga witnessed many changes for the spread of its culture from Asia to America inspite of numerous different customs and traditions in India. It works solely on imbibing the values of compassion, patience and tolerance within oneself. In 21st century, Yoga has become the “Eyes of the world and Science of Mind.” The ancient discipline is rightfully given the recognition and importance as it deserves, it makes its way to enlighten billions of people with emotions like love, peace and universal integration. Our ancestors appreciated the importance of mental hygiene and emphasized on regular practice of Yoga which cleanses the body of its toxics and uplifts the soul for union with supreme soul.

Yoga is not only a process for leading towards astounding hidden personality of human being by bringing mastery over the body, mind, intellect and emotional faculties, but also a powerful tool to manifest those hidden potential powers in self. Yoga is an art of living, it improves quality of life, a healthy life with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well- being and leads to overall holistic development of body and mind.

Swami Vivekananda once said “Yoga has a complete message for humanity, Yoga is a culture of the future, as it was in the past and in the present.” Intensive intersect oral coordination and collaboration is indispensable for revival of Yoga in the right spirit and the way that was expressed by our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji "It is our responsibility to ensure that the right spirit of Yoga is conveyed to everyone." It is needed that we collaborate and work together so that concerns, views, ideas and experiences are exchanged. Ministry of Education (MoE) through National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has taken a multi-dimensional initiative to promote Yoga in Curriculum and Transactions in Schools. The National Education Policy 2020 highlights that Yoga is part of our cultural heritage. Practicing and promoting Yoga will help in instilling among the learners a deep-rooted pride in being Indian not only in thought but also in spirit and intellect and deeds & be committed to Promoting Health and Wellness for self and others. The theme for 10th International Yoga Day 2024 is "Yoga for Women Empowerment.”

The National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage - 2022 and National Curriculum Framework for School Education -2023 mentions that the child is a whole being with Panchakoshas or five sheaths. The layers are Annamaya kosha (Physical Layer), Prana-maya Kosha (Life Force Energy Layer), Manomaya Kosha (Mind Layer), Vijnana-maya Kosha (Intellectual Layer) and Anandamaya Kosha (Inner Self). Each layer exhibits certain distinct characteristics. The holistic development of a child takes into account the nurturing and nourishment of these five layers. It is envisioned that through the Yoga Asanas the Panchakoshas will be achieve for overall development of children. Importance of Yoga

Yoga includes various practices and techniques which are employed to achieve the development of integration. These practices and techniques are means in the yogic literature and are also referred collectively as 'Yoga'. Good Health is the right of every human being. But this right depends on individual, social and environmental and other factors. Along with social or environmental factors to a large extent, we can develop a better immune system and a better perception of oneself so that other conditions do not affect us adversely and we can achieve good health. Health is a positive concept. Positive health does not mean merely freedom from disease, but, it also include a jubilant and energetic feeling of well-being with an amount of general resistance and capacity to easily cultivate immunity against specific offending agents. There are many modern and indigenous methods and disciplines that can help us to successfully fight with diseases. For example, the system of Yoga, naturopathy, ayurveda, unani, homeopathy and siddha can be quoted among indigenous systems, whereas allopathic system is quoted as the modern and popular medical system. Yoga is one of the most powerful drugless systems of treatment. It is having its own concept of wellness which has been scientifically understood and presented by many. Yoga can be adopted as lifestyle for promoting our physical and mental health. Yoga, if introduced at the school level would help to inculcate healthy habits and healthy lifestyle to achieve good health. Ministry of Education (MoE) to take such initiatives more intensively conceptualized ‘Yoga Olympiad’ as a venture with the objective to promote the awareness of Yoga and to build up a network of Yoga students, teachers and Yoga practitioners at the national level to spread the message of Yoga as a science of holistic living.

First International Day of Yoga was observed on 21st June 2015, have attracted youths almost in lakhs and it is celebrated across the world annually on June 21st. It is important that the younger generation is given a direction of holistic vision of sharing and caring, harmony, peace, sacrifice and love as the key features of Yoga. Hence it is felt that Yoga Olympiad should bring the idea of an Olympic sports or a marathon peace run in the field of Yoga. With this idea, this new initiative is named as “Yoga Olympiad” to give a meaning that we come together for achieving harmony, love and peace.

Apart from physical demonstration of Yogasanas, later on, the Olympiad will also measure the individual’s knowledge, grasp of concept, definition of Yoga and its various techniques for total growth of individual at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. These guidelines covers the detailed dimensions of “Yoga Olympiad” rules and regulations, scheme, modalities of assessment and the awards of appreciation offered to the best performing teams and individuals within the teams. 2. Theme of Yoga Olympiad

The aim of Yoga is to encourage a positive and healthy lifestyle for physical, mental and emotional health of children. Yoga helps in the development of strength, stamina, endurance and high energy at physical level. It also empowers oneself with increased concentration, calm, peace and contentment at mental level leading to inner and outer harmony, therefore Yoga Olympiad has been planned. The Yoga Olympiad focuses be on Health, Harmony and Peace.

3. Objectives Of Yoga Olympiad

● To develop an understanding of yogic practices and apply this understanding accordingly in one’s life and living.

● To develop a healthy habit and lifestyle in students.

● To develop humane values in students.

● To develop physical, emotional, social and mental health through yogic activities.

● To develop harmony with the nature and universe.

● To promote Yoga with self, society and future career prospectives.

4. Yogic Practices to be covered in Yoga Olympiad The Following dimensions of Yoga are embedded into ‘Yoga Olympiad’:

1. Kriya (Cleansing Process)

2. Asanas

3. Pranayama

4. Bandha and Mudra (Only for Secondary level)

5. Dhyana (Meditation) (Not for evaluation)

Kriya (Cleansing Process)

Shatkarma means six karmas or kriyas. The karma/kriya means 'action'.

Shatkarma consists purificatory processes which cleanse the specific organs of the body by detoxifying them. The purification helps to keep the body and mind healthy. There are six cleansing processes described in hatha yogic texts. These are Neti, Dhauti, Basti, Trataka, Nauli, Kapalabhati and Agnisara. These are used to clean the internal organs or systems by using water, air or manipulation of certain organs of the body. In this Yoga Olympiad Kapalbhati and Agnisara are included.


The term Asana means position which stabilize the body and mind, a comfortable posture which could be maintained steadily for long time. Asana gives stability and comfort, both at physical and mental level. There may be variations in the techniques of some of the Asanas depending upon the following Yoga institutions.


Pranayama consists of the breathing techniques which are related to the control of breath or respiratory process. Pranayama popularly known as ‘Yogic breathing’, involves a conscious manipulation of our breathing pattern.

The health of the respiratory system depends upon the quality as well as the quantity of air inhaled by the person. It also depends on the rhythm and completeness of the breathing. Through pranayama, a practitioner advantageously works with her/his respiratory, cardiovascular and the nervous system which bring about emotional stability and peace of mind. Pranayama has three phases known as puraka, rechaka and kumbhaka. Puraka is controlled inhalation; rechaka is controlled exhalation and kumbhaka is controlled retention of breath.

Initially, the exhalation (Rechaka) may be a little more prolonged in comparison to inhalation (Puraka). Insistence on 1:2 ratio in the beginning may prove counterproductive. As practice gradually progress, 1:2 ratio is reached in natural manner.

Dhyana (Meditation) (Not for evaluation)

Meditation is a practice which helps in concentration of the body and mind. In meditation, concentration is focused for a long time on a single object like tip of the nose, space between eyebrows, etc. It develops a sense of well-being and improves memory and decision making power in the person. Bandha and Mudra (Only for Secondary level)

Bandha and Mudra are the practices involving manipulation of certain semi- voluntary and involuntary muscles in the body. These practices bring about voluntary control and tone up the internal organs.

5. Syllabus

NCERT has developed a syllabus for Class VI to VIII (Upper Primary Stage, presently Middle Stage as per NEP 2020) and Class IX & X(Secondary Stage).

6. School Participating

All government, government-aided, CBSE schools are eligible to participate.

7. Target Group

Middle stage (as per NEP 2020)

Middle Stage comprise students’ from Class VI to Class VIII

Age Group

1A: 10-14 years Girls (Middle Stage as per NEP 2020)

1B: 10-14 years Boys (Middle Stage as per NEP 2020) Secondary Stage

Secondary Stage comprise students’ of Class IX and Class X

Age Group

2A: 14-16 years Girls (Secondary Stage)

2B: 14-16 years Boys (Secondary Stage)

Note: A student may be treated as eligible to participate in Yoga Olympiad if his/her age on 1st April of current year is above 10 years and below 14th years for middle stage and above 14 years and below 16 years for Secondary Stage.

Yoga Olympiad will be conducted for both Girls and Boys separately (Separate teams for Girls and Boys for middle stage and secondary stage as per NEP-2020). Yoga Olympiad promotes active participation of students with special needs, in inclusive settings. Schools/ authorities may ensure that students with special needs have active participation in Yoga Olympiad. 8. Level of organization of Yoga Olympiad Organisation of Yoga Olympiad from School to State/UT level will be of the responsibility of respective State/UT. States/UTs are free to organise Yoga Olympiad as per their norms and instructions.

This is only an advisory for Stats/UTs and States/UTs are free to follow or can develop their own scheme up to State/UT level.

Block Level: This is the first level of Yoga Olympiad where all schools can send their entries. (However, if appropriate and convenient, authorities / organizers may opt / decide to have ‘Yoga Olympiad’ at district level directly depending upon number of schools participation and availability of resources etc.). Four winning girls and Four winning boys (I, II, III position winners as main participants and IV position winner as Substitute / Extra) at the upper primary and similar number at the secondary will participate at the district level or Next Level. District level: This is the Second level of Yoga Olympiad where only the Block level winners will participate / send their entries.

State/UT level: This is the Third level of Yoga Olympiad where only selected winners from district level will participate.

National level: This is the final and culminating level of Yoga Olympiad where the best of State / UT entries will showcase their performance.

States and Union Territories shall select the best teams for participating at the national level. At this stage, best 4 girls and best 4 boys of middle stage and best 4 girls and best 4 boys of secondary stage will participate (I, II, III position winner teams will be selected for merit). Every team consists of four (4) participants of each group, all four (4) participants will participate in competition and overall scoring of all four (04) participants will be considered for prize winner.

Note: One Yoga expert or teacher will accompany the team of boys and girls separately and gender wise.


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