1591 முதுகலை ஆசிரியர் பணியிடங்களுக்கு 31.01.2025 வரை ஊதிய விரைவாணை வெளியீடு!
Proceedings of the Director of School Education, Chennai-600 006. Rc No.056599/L/E3/2021 Dated: 13.11.2024 Sub: School Education Department-Temporary Posts Sanctioned- Post Graduate Assistant 1591 posts Further Continuance Orders awaited from Government-Certificate for a Period of 3 months from 01-11-2024 Issued Regarding Ref:
1) GO(Ms) No. 274, School Education (Budget-2) Department, Dated 29.10.2012
2) G.O.(Ms.No. 16, School Education (Budget 2) Department, Dated 30.01.2013
3) GO(Ms) No. 14, School Education (SES(1) Department, Dated: 10.01.2019.
4) GO/Ms.No.31, School Education (SES(11) Department, Dated: 11.02.2022.
In the reference cited (
4) above, orders were issued towards continuance of 1591 Post Graduate Assistant temporary posts as mentioned in the Annexure for the period of three years upto 31.10.2024.
2 Necessary proposal towards continuance of posts have been sent to the Government and orders are awalted in this regard, 3 As prescribed in paragraph 3 of G.O. (Ms) No. 104, Finance [D] Department, dated 20.01.1974, the under mentioned Offices are requested to admit the pay bill for these Post Graduate Assistant 1591 posts as mentioned in Annexure to a further period of 3 months we.f. 01.11.2024.
The details of these posts have been mentioned overleaf.
4 The concerned PAO/ Treasury Officers are requested to admit the pay bill as and when presented and pass necessary orders if they are found to be in order
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கல்விச்செய்தி நண்பர்களே.. வாசகர்களின் கருத்து சுதந்திரத்தை வரவேற்கும் இந்தப்பகுதியை ஆரோக்கியமாக பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ள அன்புடன் வேண்டுகிறோம்.