Kalanjiyam Mobile App New version 1.20.6 - Update Now
Kalanjiyam Mobile App has been upgraded to version 1.20.6 (Android) and 1.20.7 (IOS) dated 03.09.2024 and is available at both Play Store and Apple store.
What's new
1. All Reports in PDF. ( Payslip / Pension slip / PayDrawn / ESR1 / Form16 ).
2. eSR 1 and 2 separate menu enabled for all Employee.
3. Ensure eSR confirmation popup.
4. Broadcast Notification for Employee and Pensioner.
5. Bug fixes and Performance enhancement Reports:
1. eSR2 view option enabled.
2. All Reports in PDF. ( Payslip / Pension slip / Pay drawn / eSR1 / Form16 ).
3. If the report is already downloaded, It won’t download again directly view the document.
4. On Click of payslip download button, Notes to Ensure and update the eSR will display.
5. PaySlip/PensionSlip - Submit and Download two button functionality reduced to one button click.
6. Default current financial year and last month will auto select in PaySlip/PensionSlip.
7. Form16 Notes updated: - "If form16 is not found, Please contact your DDO for uploading.". Notification:
1. Push Notification for Employee and Pensioner enabled.
2. Dot Notification for Employee and Pensioner enabled.
3. Notification Count enabled in App Icon.
4. Closed Notification showing blank - Bug - Fixed.
Leave Module:
1. Tooltip in Calendar “click the date to view the Leave request details” updated.
2. CL - Half / Full Day leave deduction - Bug - Fixed Approval Group:
1. Approval Group hierarchy aided and date of sanction hierarchy misorder - Bug - Fixed
1. PF balance and Accounts slip balance are shown as the same in the report. - Rectified.
2. Withdrawable amount data wrongly showing the balance as per latest account slip - Rectified.
Thanks & Regards
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